

My studio is situated adjacent to the main trail of the Cloudbridge Nature reserve in Costa Rica.  I have recently opened it to the public so that people can come in to view the work, and enjoy conversation about the role of art in environmental conservation.

I am very lucky to have this beautiful and inspiring space for the purpose of creating art.

Some of the Questions that I ask myself in my studio are…. How can my art have both meaning for advocacy and beauty?   Are those two things even related?   How can I create awareness with my art?   What impacts people? 

Stop in for a Visit

Linda Moskalyk-Studio Costa Rica OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALinda Moskalyk - studio visitors

Linda Moskalyk - studio visitors2 Linda Moskalyk - students from Univ Costa Rica

Linda Moskalyk studio3


Linda Moskalyk Studio 4 Linda Moskalyk Studio 3